Unit window fall leaves young child with head injuries (Central Coast)
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A four metre fall from an apartment block first floor window left a young boy with serious head injuries at The Entrance, on the NSW Central Coast, today.
Ambulance paramedics, police and a CareFlight trauma team rushed to the boy’s aid following a “000” call for help shortly after 10 am.
The helicopter landed in an adjacent park at10.35 am where ambulance paramedics brought the unconscious child to the trauma team.
CareFlight’s specialist trauma doctor teamed with ambulance paramedics to place the three and a half-year-old boy in an induced coma as treatment for the head injuries sustained when he fell through a window onto a concrete path below.
It is believed the boy was with his parents on holidays from Canberra.
The boy was placed on one of CareFlight’s mobile intensive care modules and flown to the Westmead Children’s Hospital for further assessment.
The boy’s mother accompanied her son on the flight.
Emergency services combine at The Entrance as CareFlight prepares to fly the injured boy to hospital in Sydney.
For further information contact CareFlight director Ian Badham on 9687 1111.
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