
Window fall leaves boy critical (Hornsby)

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CareFlightA young boy who suffered critical head injuries when he fell from the fourth floor of an apartment block at Hornsby, in Sydney’s north, is undergoing surgery in Sydney tonight.

Ambulance, police and CareFlight rushed to the boy’s aid following a “000” alert shortly after 7 pm.

Police met the helicopter as it landed in a park at dusk 50 metres from the unit to allow the CareFlight doctor to team with ambulance officers treating the boy.

The CareFlight doctor said the boy, believed to be aged four, was apparently standing on a table near the top floor unit window when he fell out, hitting a concrete path below.

The boy suffered critical head injuries and was unconscious.

Police provided an escort as the doctor continued rendering intensive care treatment in a road ambulance en route to the Westmead Children’s Hospital.

The boy was given a general anaesthetic and placed on a ventilator to control his breathing.

The boy remained in a critical condition on arrival at the hospital and is undergoing emergency neurosurgery.

For further information please contact CareFlight director Ian Badham on 9687 1111.

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